07.09. 10:00 — 11:00

Gail Bradbrook

Civil Disobedience - How this Controversial Method Supports Change and what Change is Needed

Dr. Bradbrook will provide an overview of why the controversial method of peaceful civil disobedience is increasingly being used by climate activists. She will provide an overview of the methodology, setting it in historical context. The social movement she helped to co-found, has deployed these tactics with notable success in raising awareness and focus on the climate and ecological crisis. And still the powers that be are not acting with anything like the urgency needed and in some cases they are actively working against change. She will then go on to ask why this is, what are the deeper causes of the climate crisis and the other crises of our age and therefore what are we asked to do now? She will present an evolutionary strategic approach called Being the Change, which focuses on Relate, Repair, Resist.