
Fiera Bolzano Spa
Piazza Fiera 1
39100 Bolzano

The address for your car-navigator: "via Bruno Buozzi 35".

By train

Station Bolzano Sud/Fiera Bolzano, on the Bolzano-Merano railway line. Here you'll find all the information about the railway service.

Weekday departure times:

  • direction Merano: every 30 min from 06.32 am till 10.08 pm
  • direction Bolzano center: every 30 min from 06.42 am till 10.20 pm

By bus

Sustainable and fast - hydrogen buses take you straight to the exhibition centre. Connection every 10 minutes to the city center, with bus lines 10A - 10B. Discover the timetables.

Visitors from Italy or from abroad are also welcome to use the Flixbus  services!